
Grone-Bildungszentren Nordrhein-Westfallen gGmbH
Official Page:

Germany, a project leader, one of the largest training service providers for vocational training and further education, also for women with a migration background


Gemeinnützige Fördergesellschaft Schule und Innovation in Dortmund s.i.d. gGmbH,
Official Page:

Germany, a project partner, a recognized ZDI school laboratory


 Umbria Training Center
Official Page:

Italy, a project partner, a social promotion NGO with extensive experience in the implementation of EU projects.



Fundacja Wspierania Wiezi Lokalnych „Linking Foundation“
Official Page:

Poland, a project partner, a foundation to support social and charitable activities, also in the field of education



Both Social B.V.
Official Page:

The Netherlans, a project partner, an adult education center and specialist in training online tools.


Sumy State University
Official Page:

Ukraine, a project partner, a university and the largest research center in the North-Eastern Ukraine.